Operating system

Operating system is a software create by programmers to operate a computer. Computer is an electronics device. First when you pressing the power button in a computer the computer do self test (because to know themselves and for user that what are the components are attached with the processing unit). After completed self test it will check the disc’s Boot sector which is mentioned to boot from (in  BIOS setup). The program which is stored in Master Boot record of a disc is Boot Loader. The boot loader contains 512 bytes executing machine code.

Then the boot loader loads another program named Kernel for users to handle all the input,output, storage,process devices to simplifying the usage of computer. after loading kernel the ordinary user can use the computer very easily.

Boot Loader + Kernel = Operating system 

(First this is enough for understand that what is Operating system. Later we will going to deeply in future about operating system making.)

First I want to tell about computer then only we can briefly understand that how to make operating system. because we should operate each and every components in ourselves.

The attractive word in all the world. Because this machine doing so many works taking less time long time before doing by man with more times. Even Accuracy and time consuming is one of the advantage in Computer. All the fields are affected today by computers. So Everyone need to Know about that miracle machine. Someone still don’t know about computers. I am here to teach something about that Unknown peoples (Dummies in computers) who is fearing about that simplest thing as simple and very very simple.


Named because of computing machine. At first, that machine was innovated for reason calculating (Computing).

After that it was coming to document preparation, databases maintenance, security of data, images manipulation, video editing and variety of uses.

Architecture of computer simply is

  1. Input (Keyboard, Mouse etc.,) Unit  – To give input from user
  2. Processing Unit (CPU) – To process and store datas and instructions.
  3. Output (Monitor, Printer) – To get output after Processing.



Input ————–> Process——————–>Output

Basic structure of computer

Physically you are seeing like below image



Author : Manikandan Thiyagarajan

Contact mail : Niranjanwin2016@gmail.com