Now improving little bit (Second program)

Welcome screen :

Now the program You are going to create welcome screen in your operating system by assembly language. using before commands.


; boot.asm
mov ax, 0x07c0
mov ds, ax

mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘W’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character


mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘E’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character


mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘L’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character

mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘C’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character

mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘O’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character

mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘M’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character

mov ah, 0x0E ; This is function  of  0x10 interrupt to print a character and move next

mov al, ‘E’ ; This is character to print

int 0x10 ; This is Interrupt to print a character


times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55
db 0xAA

save as “welcomeboot.asm”

then command

nasm -f bin -o welcomeboot.img welcomeboot.asm

now welcomeboot.img file was created

so you will use this image file to boot as following video

The Program print WELCOME in our first screen after boot.

you can check this video



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